"Innovation must be pervasive and perpetual: everyone, everywhere, all of the time." –Steven Shapiro
With over twenty years experience working with inventors and companies, InventHelp has gained a distinct perspective on the innovation landscape. Through InventHelp's Open Innovation Resource, we hope to use our vast knowledge and expertise to inform and educate business professionals on the importance of Open Innovation in new product development.
As the philosophy of looking outside for innovations continues to gain steam in the business world, we believe the information shared on this site can help businesses enhance their innovation efforts. We hope companies will use the resources provided as a starting point to establish, develop, evolve and sustain the innovation initiatives required to drive business into the future.
InventHelp is America's largest inventor service company, with offices in more than 50 cities worldwide. InventHelp also holds INPEX, America's largest invention trade show, which typically attracts over 1,000 inventions from many countries.
InventHelp's combined open innovation resources are believed to be the largest in the public sector and are available for business and industry to review on a confidential basis. Companies may register in the InventHelp Data Bank at no charge and receive submissions of inventions that are matched to the companies' areas of new product development interest.
If substantial interest is expressed in an invention, a licensing executive is assigned to work directly with your company. Only in the event that your company were to license an invention, would royalties or advances be expected by the inventor.
White Papers Containing valuable information on how to get the utmost advantage from open innovation.
Available Soon Interviews with product-development professionals discussing the open innovation process.
Available Soon Videos detailing how manufacturers and innomediaries are employing and facilitating open innovation.